Thursday, January 19, 2012

South Koreans Get In On The Pro-Deather "Conversation"

Now South Korea is getting into the “conversation” about whether euthanasia is OK or not.
Seven in 10 S. Koreans favor 'passive euthanasia'
Over 70 percent of South Koreans favor euthanasia for terminal patients when life-support is deemed meaningless, a survey showed Thursday.
In the survey conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, 72.3 percent of 1,000 respondents said they are in favor of removing life-support devices when there is little or no hope of recovery for a patient.
Nearly 70 percent of those in favor cited emotional pain to other family members as their main reason for supporting what is known as "passive euthanasia," while 60.2 percent said economic burdens were a major factor. more

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