Monday, January 30, 2012

Is Assisted Suicide A Selfish Act?

Here’s a story from an angle that doesn’t get a lot of exposure – that deciding on assisted suicide often has a devastating negative effect on loved ones. So I pose the question: Is dying by assisted suicide a selfish act?
Mother with rare cancer registers at Dignitas clinic... despite objections from her own SON
A teenage boy has made a heartfelt plea to his cancer-stricken mother for her not to register at the Dignitas assisted suicide clinic.
Katherine Lennard, 55, has signed up to the controversial Swiss centre to end her life if she becomes too ill to care for herself.
But while the 55-year-old's husband and elder son have backed her decision, the former primary school teacher was told by her other son Tommy, 17, that signing up to the clinic is 'morally wrong'. more

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